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BACnet Insight

         Cybersecurity and Building Digitization –

         a Broad Range of New Challenges

                                                                  Data Processing       Processing Functions
               Data Points
                                                                  GA Management

                         Building       (Real-Time)                                      Real-Time Analysis
                           Data     Network  Data Lake          Technical Monitoring     Predictive Analysis

                Data Points                                        Smart Building        Data Acquisition
                                   no data
                                  management                                             Data Provisioning
                                                                  Additional Systems
                                        Swamp               Reports

                                                         Evaluation          Data
          Data management model in the building. © M&P GmbH  Analysis

          A fully connected building offers many   the “Internet of Things”, which enables many  ulation of the cooling technology or unauthor-
          advantages but can become a nightmare   devices with smart, networked functions.  ized access via the access control system. This
          for every operator and user if cyber secu-                           requires a high level of attention to cyber secu-
          rity is not considered. However, a neces-  New challenges due to comprehensive   rity in the building by all parties involved. The
          sary consideration of the entire life cycle   interconnection        core component of cyber security for the oper-
          can reduce the pain and must therefore                               ating technology of a building (OT security for
          begin at the requirements planning stage.  One challenge is handling the flood of informa-  short) is the recording of goods/processes wor-
                                            tion provided by the building. The fundamental  thy of protection, assessment, and reduction
          Building digitization can be described with many  question is, what information do I need to be able  of the risk through appropriate protective mea-
          synonyms, whether it's smart building in func-  to carry out my operating processes comfort-  sures. Risk management encompasses all infor-
          tional buildings or smart home in your own four  ably, safely and efficiently? It is also important  mation recorded in the building and the associ-
          walls. The basic idea is always the same: the  to ask who should process the recorded building  ated system interfaces.
          complete networking of building technology to  data, when and how. This requires consideration
          generate added value in terms of safety, comfort  of the intelligent management of building data  The planner: intermediary between
          and efficiency in building operation with the help  at an early stage. Another challenge is the con-  demand and operation
          of information and clever algorithms. The basis  nection of the devices and systems themselves.
          for this is a resilient IP-based network infra-  The number of protocols and interfaces in the  The task of converting and implementing the
          structure that can map both current and future  building is manifold. Starting with proprietary  requirements of a user into an operational build-
          requirements.                     bus systems, through standardized building pro-  ing is the responsibility of the planner. A differen-
                                            tocols to universal IoT protocols. Comprehensive  tiated view between technology and organization
          Building digitalization as a “driver of   knowledge and management of system-internal  and processes is essential here. Fundamen-
          networks”                         and external interfaces, as well as information  tally, technology has no added value for opera-
                                            management, are key components of success-  tions without the associated structures and pro-
          The sheer volume of information that will have  ful building digitization.  cesses. What use is highly digitized monitoring
          to be processed in various systems in the future                     if the company cannot interpret the information
          can only be guessed about. Whether multi-  As great as the opportunities offered by con-  provided? Planning can only provide the technol-
          sensors or communicative pumps and con-  nectivity are, they also pose major risks. Cre-  ogy. Organization and processes must be struc-
          trol valves, these components already provide a  ating connections between systems creates the  tured as correctly as possible first. The diffi-
          large amount of data that can be recorded and  potential for attacks on the building's various  culty in the field of digitization lies in mapping
          evaluated. Even more data can be expected from  systems. This can result in sabotage or manip-  all the new challenges. One component of this is

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