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BACnet Insight

         Using Lighting to Your Advantage

         Lighting control strategies in buildings are a   These codes may often specify the use of occu-
         crucial aspect in today’s world, as they can   pancy sensors, daylight harvesting, and auto-
         make our lives better in several ways.  matic shutoff controls to optimize energy usage.

         Directly, lighting control strategies are the pri-  DALI and BACnet
         mary way to create a human-centric lighting
         environment, that is, an environment that mim-  Knowing this, using the right tools to comply with
         ics natural light, improving our well-being and  these requirements becomes a matter of utmost
         enhancing our concentration organically, some-  importance. This can be quite challenging,
         thing increasingly important nowadays as we  as these tools usually involve using different
         spend more and more time inside buildings.  technologies that have historically evolved
         On the other hand, they are also essential in  independently, each covering specific fields.
         achieving efficient energy use, helping to reduce  For example, BACnet is one of the most widely
         energy  consumption,  and  minimizing  environ-  used protocols in building automation, and the
         mental impact on a more global scale.   DALI protocol holds a similar position for lighting
         Rules and Regulations
                                            In a DALI system, we can have sensors (for light
         The importance of both factors has led to the  or occupancy) and devices to enable user input,
         creation of many energy or building codes and  such as push buttons or sliders. These are col-
         standards that include requirements for lighting  lectively known as input devices because they
         controls in commercial and residential buildings.  provide information for automated control and

          Circadian rhythm simulation in hotels. © HMS Networks

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