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BACnet Insight
Risk Management
Management Server Information Management IT Services
Switches Inspection Asset Management Patch Management
Wireless Transmission Technical Monitoring
Actuators Organization & Energy Management
Technology Emergency Management
Automation Stations
Certi cation Management
Control Stations Servicing
Firewall Maintenance
Sensors Incident Resolution
Roles & Responsibilities
Change Management
Interface Management
Technology that matches the organization and processes. © M&P GmbH
expanding the expertise of a BA planner in terms BACnet as part of the solution
of network planning and describing the require-
ments for a secure BA network to meet the Encrypted communication is a core component of Risk
demands of tomorrow. Cybersecurity expertise a networked building and should be considered
is also required. Strongly driven by new EU reg- in any requirements planning. BACnet/SC pro-
ulations, which will greatly expand the circle of vides the “key” to secure information exchange Information (Data)
critical infrastructures from October 2024. This in the building. Furthermore, BACnet offers a
increases the likelihood that planners will have standardized approach for interface and infor- Interfaces
to deal intensively with the technical protection mation management in the building, as this
measures of BA networks in the future. To make allows the flood of protocols to be “tamed” with
matters worse, decisive factors for planning were a uniform standard. In this context, users, plan- Management in the field of building digitization.
usually not considered as part of requirements ners and operators must be familiar with the © M&P GmbH
planning. The mantra of “thinking from the oper- capabilities and system requirements of BACnet
ational perspective” has not yet become estab- to fully utilize its potential. However, this applies
lished in some cases. Regarding cyber security, not only to BACnet, but to the entire scope of
the gaps are sometimes even more serious, as secure building digitization, which requires an
a fundamental need for implementation is not adapted concept and planning approach from all
seen. Statements such as “Security only costs parties involved in order to successfully master
money and doesn‘t bring me any added value” the new challenges together.
are unfortunately the order of the day.
Nicolas Braun
Expert Security Building AutomationM&P Braunschweig GmbH
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