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          Single Pair Ethernet – Problem Solver in

          Building Automation

          Features and field of application of Single Pair Ethernet (SPE). © Thermokon

          The requirements in networked building   tion to low latency, the data transmitted also  Use of SPE Technology for Operating
          automation in terms of communication   require a high communication speed and inte-  Devices: The Beginning of a New Era
          speed and functionality are constantly   gration into networks based on the IP protocol.
          increasing. Components in a building   Modern security requirements are largely based  Thermokon will initially introduce the SPE tech-
          become more and more communicative.   on the Internet protocol and can therefore no  nology in room operating units, as the need for
          At the same time, new building security   longer be easily implemented using (existing)  high speed, low latency and high security is par-
          requirements such as the EU 2022/2557   RS485 standards.             ticularly important here. These devices require
          CER (Critical Entity Resilience) are being                           fast and reliable communication with the BMS to
          added.                            Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) is one of the latest  ensure the operation of complex systems and to
                                            technologies with the potential to fundamen-  meet the increasing demands of modern build-
          Looking ahead, some existing bus systems and  tally change building automation. SPE enables IP  ing automation.
          communication standards based on the RS485  data transmission and simultaneous power sup-    1. Speed and Latency: Room operating units
          protocol reach their limits in terms of com-  ply through a single pair of wires, which not only   that need to communicate with other systems
          munication speed. An  immediate  response  is  simplifies cabling, but also reduces costs while   in real-time benefit significantly from the high
          expected, particularly in the event of switching  considerably simplifying installation in a wiring-  data bandwidth of up to 10 Mbit/s and the low
          lights and blinds. Modern room operating units  safe manner. Thermokon regards SPE as one of   latency of the SPE technology. This improves
          now have high-resolution graphic displays for  the key technologies for the future of wired build-  response times and the efficiency of the entire
          convenient control of room parameters. In addi-  ing automation.       BMS.

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