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Technik  Technology

          standard  BACnet UDP Port 47808. It is good  Security with BACnet/SC Datalink  tions only originating an outbound connection
          practice to change this port to a non-standard                       that doesn’t require firewall changes. If the hub
          port if communicating over the Internet. The IP  The open nature of  BACnet/IP and broadcast  is located behind the firewall, a port forwarding
          routers/firewalls also provide additional features  traffic created some pushback from IT depart-  entry for access from the Internet is needed. But
          that should be utilized. A list of IP addresses that  ments.  BACnet Secure Connect (BACnet/SC)  for  a remote  node  or application  to success-
          can communicate through the firewall can be  was released to address these concerns by  fully connect to the hub, it must have already
          specified on the Internet facing firewall. Some  incorporating the widely used IT security prac-  been provided the credentials (certificate and
          BACnet routers also provide this Allowlist fea-  tices.  BACnet/SC used connection-oriented  key) and approved to be part of this network.
          ture.  BACnet/IP communication  occurs over  TCP instead of UDP and TLS 1.3 for security  Temporary access can be granted by creat-
          UDP and is unencrypted. Using VPNs can pro-  with  encrypted  communications.  Each  device  ing a certificate for a shorter time duration. The
          vide additional security by encrypting the traf-  must be authorized to be on the network and  use of BACnet/SC provides security inherently.
          fic over the Internet and restricting communica-  assigned a certificate and key. The broadcast  BACnet/IP and BACnet MS/TP devices can be
          tion to only authorized VPN endpoints. There is  discovery protocol and BBMD have been elimi-  integrated with BACnet/SC using BACnet rout-
          no need to use non-standard BACnet UDP Ports  nated. BACnet/SC uses a hub and node model.  ers that support all three datalinks, thus allow-
          with VPNs. Setting up firewall rules or VPNs  Devices/nodes primarily communicate via the  ing current and future  BACnet Systems to be
          requires help from the IT department while the  BACnet/SC hub with standard provisions for  securely interconnected.   
          BMS professional can configure the non-stand-  node-to-node communication. The SC hub can
          ard BACnet UDP port on their own.  be on the Internet, with nodes at different loca-

                                                              Harpartap Parmar
                                                              Director of Product ManagementContemporary Controls

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