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BACnet Insight

          Dankenswerterweise erklärt Christian Hohnstädt auf sei-  ƒ  encryption of the communication so that only the end-  Unfortunately, issuing certificates only once is not
          ner Website selbst viele der oben genannten Arbeitsschritte   points involved understand it.  enough. To increase security, for example, it is recom-
          in einem Video-Tutorial. Dabei geht er auch auf XCA-Kom-             mended that their validity be given a sensible expiry date,
          fortmerkmale ein, etwa die Anlage von Vorlagen, um eine   To fulfil this task, there is a trio of related files on each par-  i.e. no more than one year in the future. The procedure
          reihenweise  Ausstellung  ähnlicher  Zertifikate  zu  erleich-  ticipant in the BACnet/SC network. The root certificate of a   must then be repeated before the year expires.
          tern. Weitere Anleitungen zur Nutzung von XCA, speziell für   so-called Certification Authority (CA), the public operational
          BACnet/SC, finden sich im Web [2].  certificate of the device or software and the corresponding   Conclusion
                                            secret private key. As the name suggests, this should never
          Leider ist es mit der einmaligen Ausstellung von Zertifikaten   leave the device and be given to a third party.  It is easy to  recognize that setting up a functioning
          nicht getan. Zur Erhöhung der Sicherheit wird zum Beispiel           BACnet/SC environment involves a considerable amount
          empfohlen, deren Gültigkeit mit einem sinnvollen Ablaufda-  Handworks  of extra work and the certificate issues described here are
          tum zu versehen, also höchstens ein Jahr in der Zukunft.             only part of it. It is not without reason that ‘security has
          Vor Ablauf des Jahres ist die Prozedur dann zu wiederholen.  The generation  and  handling  of  TLS certificates  is  not   its price’! However, there are signs that generally binding
                                            trivial and requires additional  effort when implementing   mechanisms for certificate management could be stand-
          Zusammenfassung                   BACnet/SC projects. Many larger manufacturers of control   ardized in future BACnet protocol revisions, which would
                                            technology systems that simultaneously offer hardware and   further simplify the task even in mixed environments. In any
          Man erkennt schnell, dass die Einrichtung einer funktionie-  software for management tasks, for example, have recog-  case, BACnet Secure Connect has closed a serious gap and
          renden BACnet/SC-Umgebung einen deutlichen Mehrauf-  nized the challenge. Here, the software takes over the part   ensured the future viability of the protocol.   
          wand mit sich bringt und die hier geschilderten Zertifikats-  of creating certificates and distributing them to the devices   Footnotes
          fragen sind nur ein Teil davon. Es heißt nicht ohne Grund   used. However, the mechanisms behind this are usually   [1]
          „Sicherheit hat ihren Preis.“ Doch es zeichnet sich ab, dass   proprietary, or to put it another way: every manufacturer   [2]
          in zukünftigen BACnet-Protokoll-Revisionen allgemein ver-  is doing his own thing. Simplicity is therefore sometimes
          bindliche Mechanismen für das Zertifikats-Management   bought by being tied to a single vendor.
          standardisiert werden könnten, welche die Aufgabe auch in
          gemischten Umgebungen weiter vereinfachen. Mit BACnet   The question arises as to how to provide BACnet/SC hubs
          Secure Connect wurde in jedem Fall eine gravierende   and nodes from different manufacturers with valid certifi-  BACtwin-Fachtagung in Mainz
          Lücke geschlossen und die Zukunftsfähigkeit des Protokolls   cates. Fortunately,  there  is a helpful  and  freely  available   Bauherren,  Planer  und  Betreiber  treffen  sich  am
          sichergestellt.                  open-source software tool that can help you  with this   24.09.2024  zum  Erfahrungsaustausch  zur  Digi-
          Fußnoten                          task, XCA by Christian Hohnstädt [1]. It is used in many   talisierung  des technischen Gebäudemanage-
          [1]       BACnet/SC projects as follows:       ments durch Einsatz der BACtwin. Diese im April
                                                                                 2024  als  AMEV-Empfehlung  Nr.  174 veröffent-
          [2]  1.     one-time creation of a self-signed root certificate   lichte Standardisierung als digitales Datenmodell
                                                that identifies the so-called Certification Authority   für  BACnet-basierte  GA-Systeme  verspricht  u.  a.
                                                (CA),                            echte Herstellerneutralität und Maschinenlesbarkeit
          The aim of this article is to explain the additional tasks   2.    generation of signature requests on all participat-  von  BACnet-Projekten. Die ersten Betreiber gro-
                                                                                 ßer  Immobilien-Portfolios  schreiben  den  BACtwin
          involved in handling  security in  heterogeneous environ-  ing endpoints (hubs and nodes), so-called Certifi-  bereits vor, u. a. für den Bundesbau.  Die Veranstal-
          ments with devices and software from different manufac-  cate Signing Requests (CSR),  tung wird organsiert von der ICONAG-Leittechnik in
                                                                                 Kooperation mit dem AMEV AK BACtwin und wei-
          turers.                           3.     downloading the CSR and importing it into XCA,  teren Industriepartnern. Informationen und Anmel-
                                            4.     signing of the CSR with the root certificate from 1.   dung unter
          Hub and spoke                         resulting in the device certificates, called Opera-
                                                tional Certificates in BACnet/SC,  BACtwin Symposium in Mainz
          Communication in  BACnet/SC is based on the hub and   5.     export the CA certificate from 1. and the device   Building owners, planners and operators meet
          spoke concept, which means that a device or software act-  certificates from 4. and upload them in pairs to the   on  24.09.2024  to  exchange  experiences  on  the
          ing as a hub (server) is at the center. Other BACnet/SC par-  respective participants.  digitalization of technical building management
                                                                                 using  BACtwin.  This  standardization  published
          ticipants connect to it as so-called nodes (clients). In many
                                                                                 in  April 2024 as  AMEV Recommendation No.
          diagrams, such connections are shown like the spokes of a   Thankfully, Christian Hohnstädt himself explains many of   174 as a digital data model for  BACnet-based
          wheel, with the nodes at the ends and the hub in the center.   the above steps in a video tutorial on his website. He   BA systems promises, among other things, true
          In contrast to BACnet/IP, communication is then based on   also goes into XCA convenience features, such as the   manufacturer neutrality and machine readability
          permanent WebSocket Secure connections (TCP) with the   creation of templates to make it easier to issue similar   of BACnet projects. The first operators of large real
                                                                                 estate portfolios are already prescribing BACtwin,
          hub and no longer on loose messages (UDP) between the   certificates in series. Further instructions on using XCA   including for federal construction.   The event is
          nodes themselves. The term ‘WebSocket Secure’ deserves   specifically for BACnet/SC can be found on the web [2].  organized by ICONAG-Leittechnik in cooperation
          special attention here. What does this mean and how is                 with the  AMEV  AK BACtwin and other industry
                                                                                 partners. Information and registration at https://
          security achieved?
          WSS (WebSocket Secure) is a protocol for secure bidirec-
          tional connections and currently uses the TLS 1.3 encryp-
          tion standard, which is also used for communication via
          https on the web. The security is achieved with certificates,   Hans-Jürgen Philippi
          i.e. digital passports, which are used for two tasks:  SoftwareentwicklerICONAG-Leittechnik GmbH
          ƒ  unique identification of the communication partners,

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