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Technik  Technology

          und GEG-konform zu agieren. Somit lassen sich    1. Speed and Latency: Room operating units  Retrofit: Modern Solutions for Existing
          die gesetzlichen Vorgaben erfüllen, Betriebskos-  that need to communicate with other systems  Systems
          ten senken und letzten Endes die Umwelt scho-  in real-time benefit significantly from the high
          nen.                                data bandwidth of up to 10 Mbit/s and the low  Another important area of application for SPE-
                                              latency of the SPE technology. This improves  based room operating units is retrofitting exist-
          Fazit                               response times and the efficiency of the entire  ing infrastructures. Existing automation net-
                                              BMS.                             works can be adapted to this technology almost
          Thermokon ist davon überzeugt, dass SPE eine    2. Security Requirements: Modern building  cost-neutral as part of a building refurbish-
          entscheidende Rolle in der Weiterentwicklung   automation systems must meet high security  ment. Research has shown that existing cable
          der Gebäudeautomation spielen wird. Durch die   standards, especially if they transmit sensi-  infrastructures are already suited for SPE in
          Integration dieser Technologie in ihre Bedienge-  tive data. The integration of IP-based secu-  many cases. The great added value lies in the
          räte und die nahtlose Kompatibilität mit BACnet   rity standards in SPE-based room operating  increase of performance. SPE facilitates integra-
          können sie ihren Kunden innovative Lösungen   units ensures secure data transmission and  tion into existing infrastructures, as less cabling
          bieten, die nicht nur die Effizienz und Zuverläs-  protects them against potential threats.  is required, and installation costs are lower. This
          sigkeit ihrer Systeme verbessern, sondern auch                       makes SPE components an attractive solution
          die Kosten senken und die Installation erleich-  Using SPE with BACnet  for modernizing older buildings.
          tern. Besonders im Retrofit-Bereich und im Hin-
          blick auf zunehmende Anforderungen zeigen die  BACnet/IP and BACnet/SC are based on the IP  EPBD-Compliant Solutions
          Produkte ihre Stärke.            protocol. In these cases, the use of SPE is an
                                            ideal alternative to classical IP network cabling.  The European Energy Performance of Buildings
                                            There is no need for time-consuming cabling or  Directive (EPBD) stipulates high demands on the
          Looking ahead, some existing bus systems and  the assembly of RJ45 connectors. The plug-in  energy efficiency and sustainability of buildings.
          communication standards based on the RS485  two-wire connection is easy and inexpensive to  SPE-based room operating units make a sig-
          protocol reach their limits in terms of com-  install. Alternatively, with SPE, the power sup-  nificant contribution to meeting these require-
          munication speed. An  immediate  response  is  ply and data cable can be laid separately as  ments. By precisely controlling and monitoring
          expected, particularly in the event of switching  usual. Numerous well-known manufacturers are  HVAC systems as well as lighting and shading
          lights and blinds. Modern room operating units  already presenting the first SPE-capable com-  systems, Thermokon supports its customers in
          now have high-resolution graphic displays for  ponents for building automation as an alterna-  achieving the required energy targets and oper-
          convenient control of room parameters. In addi-  tive to RS485.      ations in compliance with the EPBD. This ena-
          tion to low latency, the data transmitted also                       bles customers / building owners to meet legal
          require a high communication speed and inte-  Application examples of SPE room   requirements, reduce operating costs and ulti-
          gration into networks based on the IP protocol.  operating units     mately reduce carbon emissions.
          Modern security requirements are largely based
          on the Internet protocol and can therefore no  ƒ  uilding management: SPE-based room   Conclusion
          longer be easily implemented using (existing)   operating units are ideal for the central
          RS485 standards.                    control and monitoring of heating, ventilation   Thermokon is convinced  that SPE will play  a
                                              and air-conditioning (HVAC). They offer   decisive role in the future development of build-
          Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) is one of the latest   precise control and help to increase energy   ing automation systems. By integrating this tech-
          technologies with the potential to fundamen-  efficiency.            nology into their operating units and seamless
          tally change building automation. SPE enables IP  ƒ  ighting and shading control: Thermokon’s   integration into BACnet networks, they can offer
          data transmission and simultaneous power sup-  room control units allow flexible and   their customers innovative solutions that not only
          ply through a single pair of wires, which not only   energy-efficient control of lighting & shading   improve the energy efficiency and reliability of a
          simplifies cabling, but also reduces costs while   systems, helping to improve energy   BMS, but also reduce costs and simplify instal-
          considerably simplifying installation in a wiring-  efficiency and comfort.  lation. The products show their strength particu-
          safe manner. Thermokon regards SPE as one of                         larly in the retrofit sector and with regards to
          the key technologies for the future of wired build-                  increasing security requirements.   
          ing automation.

          Use of SPE Technology for Operating
          Devices: The Beginning of a New Era

          Thermokon will initially introduce the SPE tech-
          nology in room operating units, as the need for
          high speed, low latency and high security is par-
          ticularly important here. These devices require
          fast and reliable communication with the BMS to
          ensure the operation of complex systems and to      Dominique Alt
          meet the increasing demands of modern build-        Head of Product ManagementThermokon Sensortechnik GmbH
          ing automation.                           

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