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Mission BACnet

          Planung erfolgt, die Basis für die Zukunftsfähig-  The increasing technological developments in  the building technology with its operational tech-
          keit eines Gebäudes geschaffen. Intelligente und  building technology, including smart buildings,  nologies (OT) can no longer fulfill its operator obli-
          vernetzte Systeme steigern dabei den Nutzer-  and the rapid market penetration of building  gations or can only do so with enormous effort.
          komfort sowie den Wert einer Immobilie.   technology with general information technology
                                            are leading to an increasingly high cyber secu-  The circle of operators of critical infrastructures
          Passend zu  den  zur  Anwendung kommen-  rity risk.                  will increasingly include more business areas in
          den Systeme und Kommunikationsprotokolle                             the future. As a result, the requirements of vari-
          sowie zur Gebäudenutzung müssen wirksame  Due to a lack of expertise (no IT core compe-  ous national associations and organizations to
          IT/OT-RMP als Security-Maßnahmen getrof-  tence) in construction management, building  ensure IT/OT security are growing. Setting up
          fen werden. Die Starter-Rollen des IT/OT-RMP  planning and operators in the building context,  and maintaining a reliable and resilient IT/OT
          sind in den gesamten Planungs- und Integrati-  a shortage of skilled workers among integrators  infrastructure is a discipline for IT and building
          onsprozess zur Errichtung der GA zu involvie-  and commissioning companies and the poten-  automation specialists. Therefore, the applica-
          ren. Der Integrationsplaner, der ebenso für die  tially major impact of successful cyber-attacks  tion of measures to achieve IT/OT security is not
          GA, IT und OT zuständig ist, benötigt Informa-  on the infrastructure of buildings, joint IT/OT  only relevant for the operation of critical infra-
          tionen zu den konkreten Anforderungen an den  security is not only relevant for operators of criti-  structure and federal authorities, but should
          Gebäudebetrieb sowie zu dessen Umsetzung.  cal infrastructure and federal authorities, but  become an integral approach to the standard of
          Zugleich muss die Umsetzung der Maßnahmen  must become the standard for building opera-  building operation.
          durch beteiligte Bauherren während des gesam-  tions; because attackers often look for and find
          ten  Planungs-, Integrations- und Inbetriebnah-  the weakest point. There are several prominent  The current status of the guideline is based on
          meprozesses überwacht werden. Hierbei sollten  examples of this detour via building technology.  established methods from Germany. The consid-
          Bauherren durch ein planungs- und baubeglei-                         eration of Demand Planning – Operating Con-
          tendes Qualitätscontrolling sicherstellen, dass  Legislators have recognized this potential threat  cept (LP 0) and Basic Evaluation – Project Prep-
          die Anforderungen korrekt erfüllt werden und  and have set appropriate cyber security require-  aration (LP 1) is not intended to suggest that the
          keine Schnittstellen- sowie Sicherheitsprobleme  ments at both European and national level:   contents  of  the  guideline  should  not  be  taken
          entstehen. Gibt es in dem Umfeld keine Exper-  ƒ  t European level   into account in the subsequent service phases.
          tise, kann diese Dienstleistung im Rahmen eines   NIS 2 Directive (EU 2022/2555),
          Inbetriebnahmemanagement (IBM) extern ein-  Cyber Resilience Act (CRA - EU 2022/0272),  The further compilation of the necessary rec-
          gekauft werden.                   ƒ  t national level (using Germany as an   ommendations, guidelines and processes are in
                                              example)                         progress and will be integrated into subsequent
          Für den künftigen Betrieb der technischen Anla-  NIS-2 implementation and Cybersecurity   versions of the guide.
          gen über eine integrierte Gebäudeautoma-  Strengthening Act (NIS2UmsuCG, German:
          tion sind in der Phase der Bedarfsanalyse und   Cybersicherheitsstärkungsgesetz).  Phase 0 is taken up here as an example:
          des Betriebskonzeptes wichtige Grundlagen im
          Bereich der Netzwerksicherheit zu betrachten.  In the increasingly modern and digitalized envi-  LP 0: Demand Planning – Operating
          Dazu gehören:                     ronment and due to increasing international  Concept
          ƒ  pezifikation des Untersuchungsgegenstan-  political tensions, there is therefore growing con-
           des und Festlegung des Schutzbedarfs,  cern about massive negative economic effects  Demand Planning, including IT/OT RMP (Risk-
          ƒ  rmittlung der IT-Sicherheitsanforderungen   in the professional environment – among other  Management-Plan) operating concepts, plays a
           und deren Schutzziele,           things, if technical systems are compromised  fundamental role in efficient, economical and
          ƒ  estlegung von Maßnahmen zur Identifikati-  under one‘s own responsibility. These include:  safe building operation. The basis for the future
           on und Bewertung von technischen   ƒ  conomic damage due to loss of reputation   viability of a building is also created by the high-
           Restrisiken,                       – for example through negative public   quality implementation of building automation,
          ƒ  erichterstattung und Genehmigung von   perception with press releases or social   which is based on needs-based planning. Intelli-
           Restrisiken.                       media,                           gent and networked systems increase user com-
                                            ƒ  nancial loss due to restricted availability of   fort and the value of a property.
          Zudem stellen sich weitere Fragen zum Schutz   internal company options, including
          der Informationen und der eingesetzten IT- und   blackmail attempts or negative influence in   Effective IT/OT RMP security measures must
          OT-Komponenten:                     production processes.            be implemented in line with the systems and
          ƒ  ertraulichkeit (Confidentiality),                                 communication  protocols  used  and  the use  of
          ƒ  ntegrität (Integrity),         In addition, high fines have been announced, in  the building. The IT/OT RMP starter roles must
          ƒ  erfügbarkeit (Availability),   some cases even with personal liability for the  be involved in the entire planning and integra-
          ƒ  werden personenbezogene Daten erhoben   management (such as the EU‘s “Cyber Resil-  tion process for setting up the BMS. The inte-
           bzw. verarbeitet? (DSGVO).       ience Act”).                       gration planner, who is also responsible for the
                                                                               BMS, IT and OT, needs information on the spe-
          Die hier gewonnenen Kriterien und Erkenntnisse  This guideline is intended to achieve added value  cific requirements for building operation and its
          fließen dann in die weitere Realisierung des  through recommendations for standardization of  implementation. At the same time, the imple-
          Bauprozesses nach der HOAI (Honorarordnung  processes, infrastructures, services and suitable  mentation of the measures by the building own-
          für Architekten und Ingenieure) ein.      organization (roles), among other things (security  ers involved must be monitored throughout the
                                            by design from the outset). This is because a fail-  entire planning, integration and commissioning
                                            ure of the information technology (IT) means that  process. Building owners should ensure that

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