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Young Talent for Building Automation Nachwuchs für die Gebäudeautomation
BACnet Experts of the Future – Rethinking
BACnet-Experten der Zukunft – Ausbildung
neu denken
© Norbert Meise
The Rosmarin Karree on
Berlin’s Friedrichstrasse is
currently being revitalized
as the first capital city
project based on BACnet/
Das Rosmarin Karree
an der Berliner
Friedrichstraße wird
derzeit als erstes
Hauptstadtprojekt auf
Basis von BACnet/SC
Anyone who wants to become an electronics technician in automation technology has automation is underestimated in education. “The
chosen a future-proof profession, as digitalization is developing rapidly in the building building sector is one of the key drivers on the
sector alone. However, Johannes Schaefe from HOSCH Gebäudeautomation criticizes that road to climate neutrality. We are responding to
the relevant curricula at vocational schools are too far removed from practice. the regularly changing challenges by using the
Wer Elektroniker in Automatisierungstechnik werden möchte, hat sich einen zukunftssi- latest technologies for greater sustainability. The
cheren Beruf ausgesucht, schließlich entwickelt sich die Digitalisierung allein im Gebäude- next generation must also be able to keep up
sektor rasant. Doch seien die entsprechenden Lehrpläne der Berufsschulen zu praxisfern, with this in the best possible way.”
kritisiert Johannes Schaefe von HOSCH Gebäudeautomation.
Cloud-based solutions, AI and cyber security
Apprenticeship in Germany enjoys a good focusing on apprenticeship. “We train the – all topics that are playing an increasingly
reputation worldwide because it is carried out experts of the future. However, school curricula in important role for electronics technicians in
according to high, strictly regulated standards. future technology professions are unfortunately automation technology. However, they are given
Too strict? Curricula are drawn up according inflexible. This is not only detrimental to far too little attention in the curricula. “Many of
to tight deadlines, which the trainees have to the trainees, but also to the companies. As HOSCH’s projects are groundbreaking for the
complete in the companies. Deviations from entrepreneurs, we have to constantly adapt to industry. All of them are implemented in BACnet.
this are generally undesirable. Compliance is the latest technological developments. Standing Take the Rosmarin Karree on Friedrichstraße in
checked by means of report books. An outdated still is impossible. At the same time, we are Berlin alone. This complex is being revitalized on
model? dependent on highly qualified young talent. For the basis of BACnet/SC – the very first project
us and the trainees, it’s about much more than in the greater capital area. What an opportunity
Yes, says Johannes Schaefe, Technical Director just curricula.” for our trainees to work on the latest technical
at HOSCH Gebäudeautomation. Because standards. We need practitioners who are
applicants often do not meet the company’s high The young entrepreneur also criticizes the fact directly involved right from the start. This is the
technical requirements, HOSCH is increasingly that the innovative value of companies in building only way to understand the increasingly complex
30 BACnet Europe Journal 42 03/25