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BACnet Interest Group Europe News
Bernhard Isler präsentiert BACnet/SC im Rahmen von
bilingualen Vorträgen bei der BACnet Academy.
Bernhard Isler presents BACnet/SC at the BACnet
Academy as part of bilingual sessions.
BIG-EU Networking Event im Anschluss an die Preisvergabe.
BIG-EU Networking Event after the award ceremony.
nommen wurde. Zum Beginn der Feierlichkei- lopments. This year, the following companies Numerous Attendees at the BIG-EU
ten verlieh die BIG-EU zum zweiten Mal den presented their products and services as well Awards Ceremony and Networking Event
„BIG-EU Award“ für herausragende studenti- as exciting applications relating to BACnet:
sche Abschlussarbeiten in Verbindung mit dem MBS, OAS Open Automation Systems, Sauter- As last year for the 25th anniversary of the
BACnet-Protokoll. In diesem Jahr erhielt Fabian Cumulus, Tridium Europe and TÜV SÜD Industrie BIG-EU, there was once again a large networ-
Lesjak den mit 1000 Euro dotierten Award für Service. Representatives of the BIG-EU were on king event at the joint BIG-EU booth, which was
seine Bachelorarbeit mit dem Titel „Investiga- hand to answer the numerous visitors’ questions attended by numerous visitors and partners. At
tion of BACnet Secure Connect in a Smart Buil- about BACnet. The great response at the trade the beginning of the celebrations, the BIG-EU
ding Test Environment“. Betreut wurde die Arbeit fair stand confirms the latest BSRIA study, presented the“BIG-EU Award” for outstanding
von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tobias Frauenrath vom Fach- which attests BACnet a global share of 77 % student theses in connection with the BACnet
bereich Elektrotechnik und Informationstech- in the communication protocol market – also protocol for the second time. This year, Fabian
nik an der Fachhochschule Aachen im Stu- due to the growing challenges posed by the EU Lesjak received the award, worth 1000 euros,
diengang Smart Building Engineering (SBE). Buildings Directive EPBD and the German Buil- for his bachelor’s thesis entitled “Investigation
Preisträger Fabian Lesjak stellte heraus: „Es war ding Energy Act (GEG). Building operation with of BACnet Secure Connect in a Smart Building
eine tolle Erfahrung, meine Bachelorarbeit über BACnet in conjunction with the new security Test Environment”. The thesis was supervised
BACnet/SC zu schreiben. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, standard BACnet Secure Connect (BACnet/SC) by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tobias Frauenrath from the
dass BACnet/SC im Allgemeinen sehr gut funk- fulfils all the requirements of a modern building, Department of Electrical Engineering and
tioniert.“ Im kommenden Jahr wird der BIG-EU be it ecology, economy, security or comfort. Information Technology at Aachen University
Award erneut verliehen, dann im Rahmen der of Applied Sciences in the Smart Building
ISH vom 17. bis 21. März in Frankfurt. Studen- BACnet Academy at Light + Building Engineering (SBE) course. Award winner Fabian
ten und Betreuer von BACnet-Abschlussarbeiten Generates High Demand Lesjak emphasised: “It was a great experience
sind erneut aufgerufen, ihre Arbeiten bei der to write my Bachelor’s thesis on BACnet/SC. The
BIG-EU zur Prämierung einzureichen. The BACnet/SC presentations offered in results show that BACnet/SC works very well in
English and German by Bernhard Isler, the gene ral.” The BIG-EU Award will be presented
main developer of Secure Connect, were used again next year, at the ISH from March 17 to
Since the BIG-EU was founded in 1998, Light by numerrous trade visitors to find out about 21 in Frankfurt. Students and supervisors of
+ Building has been a permanent fixture in the the interope rable security standard in building BACnet theses are once again invited to submit
association’s trade fair calendar. The BIG-EU automation in detail. The great interest in the their work to the BIG-EU for the award.
and its members are regularly on site with a BACnet communication protocol was also
joint BACnet booth, providing information about reflected in the large number of technical
BACnet technology and presenting new deve- questions following the presentations.
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