Page 17 - BACnet_Europe-Journal_42
P. 17

| BA17E |
                                                                   Securing the future for

                                            BACnet/SC – a solution to
                                            enhance cybersecurity in
                                            critical infrastructure.   the historical buildings
                                            BACnet/SC – eine Lösung,
                                            um die Cybersicherheit in
                                            kritischen Infrastrukturen   from our past
                                            zu optimieren.

                                                                   Ideal for refurbishments: Open, PC-based
                                                                   building automation from Beckhoff

          depend on secure and reliable control of environmental conditions, such as air flow or
          room temperature, as well as building access systems.

          Oberwart Hospital, which opened in May 2024, partnered with Siemens Smart
          Infrastructure to implement comprehensive building automation with sophisticated
          cybersecurity measures. Their system manages building controls via 41 new-generation
          controllers, 360  individual  room  controllers,  and  eleven  fire damper  control  systems
          monitoring 1,400 devices, while communicating securely through  BACnet/SC. This
          implementation ensures precise control of critical environments such as operating rooms
          and sterile areas, where maintaining specific environmental conditions is critical to staff
          and patients’ health and safety.

          Future ready with simple firmware updates

          In addition to new constructions such as Oberwart Hospital, organizations can implement                     © SimpLine / Adobe Stock
          BACnet/SC in existing facilities without the need for a disruptive “rip and replace” approach.
          Instead, building control system’ upgrades can be achieved through firmware updates,
          making it a sustainable, efficient, and long-term solution. This reduces both costs and
          operational disruption.

          The implementation of  BACnet/SC represents a significant step forward in securing   With integrated building automation from Beckhoff you can
          building automation networks. As the industry continues to evolve, BACnet/SC’s foundation   implement a PC-based control solution that already meets the
          in established and innovative Information Technology (IT) security principles ensures its   requirements of energy efficiency class A. All building systems
          ability to adapt to new challenges. At the same time, it maintains the interoperability that   are controlled with an integrated system. Functional changes
          has made it the industry standard.                       and extensions are implemented based on software, and
                                                                   synergy effects are fully utilised. The result: up to 30 % energy
          Oberwart Hospital provides a blueprint for facilities of any kind and size seeking to improve   savings potential for new buildings and refurbishments.
          the security of their building automation. As cyberthreats won’t stop, such forward-thinking
          implementations will be key to protecting critical infrastructure in the years to come. 

          Im Zuge der zunehmenden Digitalisierung von Gebäudesystemen ist die Cybersicherheit
          zu einem zentralen Thema im Facility Management geworden. Immer mehr Vorfälle ereig-  The integrated automation solution from Beckhoff:
          nen sich im Bereich Operative Technologie (OT), wobei prognostiziert wird, dass bis 2031
          alle zwei Sekunden Cyberangriffe stattfinden – auf Unternehmen, Verbraucher, Behör-  Scan to discover all
          den und Geräte.                                          you need to know
                                                                   about building
                                                                   automation with
                                                                   PC-based control
          Verschärft wird diese Bedrohung durch die rasante Zunahme von Internet-of-Things-
          (IoT)-Geräten in intelligenten Gebäuden, deren Anzahl bis 2028 auf voraussichtlich mehr   Flexible touch    Scalable control tech-  Modular
                                                                                operation   nology, modular I/O   software
          als drei Milliarden steigt. Besonders für kritische Infrastrukturen wie Krankenhäuser, Flug-
                                                                                            Bus Terminals   libraries
          häfen und Labore sind robuste Sicherheitsmaßnahmen essenziell. Traditionelle Protokolle
          für die Gebäudeautomation sind jedoch meist nicht für die heutigen Cybersicherheits-
          Herausforderungen ausgelegt.
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