Page 14 - BACnet_Europe-Journal_42
P. 14

Solutions  Anwendungen

          30% Energy Savings Thanks to CO  Roadmap
          30 % Energieeinsparung durch CO -Fahrplan


          Rehabilitation clinic with efficient building automation.                                  © Klinik Lindenplatz
          Reha-Klinik mit effizienter Gebäudeautomation.

          Can a 30-year-old heating and ventilation system become an energy-saving showcase
          project? “Yes, it can – we’ve proven it!” says Michael Schlüter from Kieback&Peter.
          Together with his team, he reduced energy consumption in the “Lindenplatz und
          Quellenhof” health centre by around 30% – while maintaining full operation and without
          any loss of comfort.
          Kann eine 30 Jahre alte Heizungs- und Lüftungsanlage zum Energiespar-Vorzeige-
          projekt werden? „Ja, das geht – wir haben es bewiesen“, sagt Michael Schlüter von
          Kieback&Peter. Mit seinem Team reduzierte er im Gesundheitszentrum „Lindenplatz und
          Quellenhof“ den Energieverbrauch um rund 30 % – bei vollem Betrieb und ohne Komfort-

          Thanks to smart automation, the old technology  now everything works according to demand.
          has been made more efficient and the clinic is  With the old technology, the two gas boilers
          saving energy and costs. The CO  reduction  were in continuous operation throughout the
          roadmap, specially developed for existing  year. The new automation system uses volume   Three steps, three months, one climate target: net zero.
          buildings, enables climate-friendly modernization  flow measurements to determine the actual   Drei Schritte, drei Monate, ein Klimaziel: Netto-Null.
                                                                               © Kieback&Peter
          – subsidized and in line with standards.  heat requirement and only starts the boilers
                                            when heat is needed,” says Michael Schlüter.
          Kieback&Peter’s CO  roadmap comprises three  The largest part of the modernization therefore
          steps: Inventory analysis, technical concept  consisted of bringing the old automation system   BACnet protocol – ideal for controlling building
          and CO  reduction. At the “Lindenplatz” clinic,  up to the latest state of the art.  technology down to the smallest detail.
          this  resulted  in  an  optimization  plan  with  a
          profitability calculation and clear savings targets.  The old DDC100 controllers from 1993 were   Minimised CO  footprint – thanks to
                                            replaced by modern BACnet Building Controllers   infinitely variable control
          On-demand instead of continuous   of the type DDC4040. “From today’s perspective,
          operation – for optimum efficiency  the DDC100s are dinosaurs – not programmable   Thanks to new automation, the existing ventilation
                                            and  only  suitable  for  standard  controls.”  The   system now works efficiently according to the
          “We simply gave the existing heating and  new automation stations enable precise control   principle of “as much operation as necessary, as
          ventilation systems modern operating rules –  of boilers, pumps, fans and more, based on the   little as possible”.

          14  BACnet Europe Journal 42 03/25
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