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Anwendungen  Solutions

           © LumenRadio

          Schaubild der drahtlosen BACnet-Installation von LumenRadio: Darstellung der Konnektivität zwischen Lüftungsgeräten auf dem Dach und dem
          Gebäudeautomations- und -steuerungssystem, wodurch eine Fernverwaltung und ein störungsfreier Betrieb möglich wird.
          Schematic of LumenRadio‘s wireless BACnet installation: Showcasing the connectivity between air handling units on the rooftop and the building
          automation control system, enabling remote management and interference-free operation.

          sich mit dem Projekt sehr zufrieden, insbeson-  with fresh air. By connecting these units and the  tion was established seamlessly, and the cellular
          dere mit der Geschwindigkeit der Installation und  BACS, not only can the building owner offer a  signals were never interrupted.
          der Zuverlässigkeit der Produkte. Frank Witmer,  demand controlled indoor climate, but can also
          Director of Engineering bei Broudy Precision,  move from a locally controlled device – where  Efficient installation
          berichtet: „Die W-BACnet-Lösung von Lumen-  changes needed to be made physically on the
          Radio spart Zeit und Geld bei den Projekten  roof – to remote control via the BACS.  By choosing LumenRadio’s wireless W-BACnet
          unserer Kunden – insbesondere, was Moderni-                          product, the installation only  required seven
          sierungs- und Nachrüstprojekte in Bestandsge-  Interference free installation  devices and one installer. If cables had been
          bäuden betrifft. Es funktioniert und löst ein ech-                   used, installation could have taken up to a week
          tes Problem.“                    The mechanical contractor KF Mechanical and  – with the wireless BACnet solution, communi-
                                            the building automation expert Broudy Precision  cation was established in less than three hours.
                                            were tasked with connecting these six units to a  Due to the time and labor saving, the project was
          18 Park Avenue in New Jersey City is a 306,000  controller located in the mechanical room. Due  completed for a fraction of what a wired solution
          square foot, newly constructed apartment build-  to the presence of cellular antennas on the roof,  would have cost.
          ing consisting of 422 luxury apartments offer-  avoiding all wireless interference was a must.
          ing unparalleled amenities, sophisticated design,  The choice of using LumenRadio’s patented  KF Mechanical and Broudy Precision were very
          robust events programming, and breathtak-  wireless  BACnet technology ensures there will  pleased with the project, particularly with the
          ing  views.  The  building  also  includes  34,000  never be wireless interference regardless of the  speed of installation and the reliability of the
          square feet of classroom and recreational space,  cellular signals and wireless traffic.  products. Frank Witmer, Director of Engineer-
          10,000 square feet of retail space and a foot-                       ing at Broudy Precision says: ”LumenRadio’s
          print covering an area of 78,000 square feet.  KF Mechanical installed one LumenRadio  W-BACnet solution saves time and cost in our
                                            W-BACnet DIN rail unit in the mechanical room  customers’ projects – especially when it comes
          On the rooftop there are six air handling units  and one W-BACnet unit on each RTU spread  to modernization and retrofit projects in existing
          located 150 feet apart which supply the tenants  across the rooftop. Once installed, communica-  buildings. It works and it solves a real problem.”

                                                              Carl von Rosen
                                                              Product Development ManagerLumenRadio

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