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          Distech Controls Equips the Grand Palais

          with BACnet/IP Eclypse Solutions

          Distech Controls stattet das Grand Palais

          mit BACnet/IP-Eclypse-Lösungen aus

                                                                               © Patrick Tourneboeuf at
                                                                               Tendance Floue for the Grand
                                                                               Palais, Paris 2024

                                                                               Facade of the Grand
                                                                               Palais, avenue Wiston
                                                                               Fassade des Grand Palais,
                                                                               Avenue Winston Churchill.

          Distech Controls’ Eclypse™ BMS    sporting events in its mythical Nave for the Paris  easily adjust their comfort settings (lighting
          modernizes the iconic Grand Palais, Paris,   2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. As part  and blinds) using Uniwave’s sleek Allure remote
          for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic   of the renovation, a number of Distech Controls  controls. Finally, the Palais d’Antin, which is
          games. These solutions enhance heating,   solutions have been installed to deploy a BMS  home to the Palais de la Découverte science
          cooling, and occupant comfort while   and  improve  the  monument’s environmental  museum, is also equipped with Distech Controls
          improving energy efficiency.      performance.                       solutions, to guarantee the continuity of the BMS
          Das Eclypse™-BMS von Distech Controls                                system throughout the Grand Palais building.
          modernisiert das ikonische Grand Palais in   A BMS that provides exemplary
          Paris für die Olympischen und Paralympi-  environmental performance   Involved in the construction  and  renovation  of
          schen Spiele 2024. Diese Lösungen ver-                               many of the buildings hosting the Paris 2024
          bessern die Heizung, Kühlung und den   The Eclypse solution from Distech Controls  Olympic and Paralympic Games, Distech
          Komfort der Bewohner und erhöhen gleich-  provides air treatment for the Grand Palais, in the  Controls  manufactured  nearly  7,500  of  its
          zeitig die Energieeffizienz.      Nave and adjoining galleries. The ECY-S1000  products in Canada and France to meet the
                                            connected modular controllers are linked directly  needs of each venue and contribute to the
          Distech Controls Inc., an innovative leader in  to a weather station, enabling a night-time free  environmental performance.
          intelligent buildings, has installed its Eclypse  cooling system to be activated when conditions
          Building Management System (BMS) at the  are right. In fact, as soon as the air outside is  Solutions installed
          Grand Palais, Paris, providing a comprehensive  colder than inside, the Nave’s glazed windows
          solution that addresses heating and cooling  open  to  let in  outside  air,  ensuring  natural  ƒ  clypse connected controllers for terminal
          production as well as occupant comfort.  cooling and air renewal, which in turn leads to   units - ECY-PTU-207
                                            significant energy savings. The Eclypse solution  ƒ  clypse connected modular controllers –
          An emblematic monument in the heart of Paris,  also includes ECY-S1000 connected modular   ECY-S1000
          the Grand Palais was built for the 1900 Universal  controllers for cooling computer cabinets and  ƒ  clypse connected controllers for HVAC
          Exhibition and has been a cultural centre ever  distributing cold.     equipment – ECY-303
          since. Its 77,000 m  of floor space regularly                        ƒ  niwave Allure occupant remote controls
          hosts a variety of exhibitions and fairs. The  The DC Space solution has also been deployed  ƒ  Multi-touch capacitive displays with IP
          Grand Palais underwent its first major restoration  in the Grand Palais offices. This multi-business   connectivity - Horyzon-C7 and Horyzon-C10
          since 1900 to host the fencing and taekwondo  management solution enables occupants to              

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