Page 8 - BACnet_Europe-Journal_42
P. 8

Solutions  Anwendungen

          Network Control Center Instead of

          Isolated Solution for the City of Böblingen

          Verbundleitstelle statt Insellösung für

          die Stadt Böblingen

          With a population of 52,000, the
          large district town of Böblingen is an
          important conurbation in the center of
          Baden-Württemberg. The tasks of the
          building management department are
          correspondingly extensive: the city’s
          numerous properties need to be managed,
          maintained, operated economically and
          kept up to date with the latest technology.
          Since 2023, the city of Böblingen has
          been supported in this task by OAS Open                                                                © all pictures: OAS | © alle Bilder: OAS
          Automation Systems with a web-based
          network control center based on the
          Niagara 4 framework.
          Mit 52.000 Einwohnern ist die Große
          Kreisstadt Böblingen ein wichtiger   All properties at a glance: the BMS supervisor portal for the city of Böblingen.
          Ballungsraum im Zentrum Baden-    Alle Liegenschaften im Blick: Das BMS-Supervisor-Portal der Stadt Böblingen.
          Württembergs. Entsprechend umfangreich
          sind die Aufgaben des Amtes für
          Gebäudemanagement: Die zahlreichen
          Liegenschaften der Stadt wollen betreut,
          gepflegt, wirtschaftlich betrieben und
          auf dem aktuellen Stand der Technik
          gehalten werden. Bei dieser Aufgabe
          wird die Stadt Böblingen seit 2023 von
          OAS Open Automation Systems mit einer
          webbasierten Verbundleitstelle auf Basis
          des Niagara-4-Frameworks unterstützt.

          200 properties are owned by the city of
          Böblingen. If you exclude smaller properties, this
          leaves around 150 buildings, each with its own
          local building management system – and the
          numerous problems that come with it over the
          years of operation: a lack of energy efficiency,   Digital Böblingen: All connected properties can be accessed in the supervisor portal.
          skyrocketing heating costs, a lack of overview   Digitales Böblingen: Alle angeschlossenen Liegenschaften können im Supervisor-Portal angesteuert werden.
          or slow response times in the event of failures.
          In 2022, the decision was made to renovate
          and modernize the city’s building management   open  Niagara  framework.  In  short,  everything  Three major modernization projects
          system “The city of Böblingen was looking for a   was a perfect fit,” says OAS Managing Director
          full-service provider for a central server with an   Ralf Rostock, describing the discovery process.  In April of the new year 2023, work began on three
          integrated BMS and user-friendly visualization. At   Together with system partners PGA Automation  large properties: the Albert Einstein Grammar
          the same time, the city attached great importance   and ES Müller, OAS set about implementing  School, the Erich Kästner Primary School and
          to the software being based on a common and,   the project: modernizing and refurbishing the  the Albert Schweizer Secondary School. As part
          above all, open standard. Not only were we   technical systems, setting up a new building  of this work, the existing building automation
          able to fully map the technical specifications   management system and implementing a web-  systems and the control cabinets in the school
          for building automation. As a certified Tridium   enabled  visualization  system  in  the  form  of  a  buildings were brought up to the latest state of
          partner, our solutions are also based on the   central Niagara Supervisor control center.  the art. Functional system components such

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