Page 10 - BACnet_Europe-Journal_42
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Solutions  Anwendungen

          Energy-Efficient BAS in School Buildings

          Energieeffiziente GA im Schulbau

                                                                                                 © all pictures: Delta Controls | © alle Bilder: Delta Controls

          Energy-efficient building automation combined with “human-centred lighting” in school buildings: a flagship project.
          Energieeffiziente Gebäudeautomation kombiniert mit „Human Centric Lighting” im Schulbau: ein Leuchtturmprojekt.

          The example of the new primary and    One challenge was the integration of numerous  windows if the absolute limit value is exceeded.
          secondary school building in Bischofs-  systems for energy optimization and building  This ensures high indoor air quality. Each teacher
          wiesen/Germany shows how energy-  control into the central  BACnet network,  is equipped with a tablet.
          efficient building automation with    while at the same time integrating the existing
          a modern lighting concept and HCL   infrastructure,  especially  the  energy  supply.  This is used, among other things, to operate
          increases pupils’ learning and well-being.   Another requirement for the project team was  the  room functions  and  to  adjust  the  lighting
          Am Beispiel des Neubaus der Grund-   to provide intuitive user interfaces for the room  scenarios.
          und Mittelschule in Bischofswiesen   users. They should have full access to the room
          wird deutlich, wie eine energieeffiziente   functions via tablets.   The SMI motors of the exterior sunshades are
          Gebäudeautomation mit einem modernen                                 connected to the SMI modules of the building
          Beleuchtungskonzept und HCL das Lernen   Visualization and real-time monitoring  automation  system.  In  combination  with  the
          und das Wohlbefinden von Schülerinnen                                automated  lighting control,  both  the  position
          und Schülern steigert.            The energy-optimized control of the five gas  of the blinds and the color temperature of the
                                            boilers and the combined heat and power unit  lighting  can  be  adjusted  depending  on  the
          The central task was to create an integral   (CHP), which are responsible for heating the  sunlight, time of day or activity. A selection of
          room  automation  system  that  integrates  the   school building, played a central role. Thanks to  pre-programmed lighting scenarios, taking HCL
          various communication protocols of the trades   the visualization of the photovoltaic (PV) system,  into account, can be set as required. This allows
          into the management software. This included   it is possible to monitor, optimize and clearly  the atmosphere in the rooms to be adjusted in a
          BACnet, SMI for controlling the blinds, DALI   display both energy generation and consumption  targeted manner in order to influence the mood
          for the lighting, and multisensors for the   in real time.           of the pupils and provide optimum support for
          detection of presence and measurement of                             lessons.                       
          the room temperature. In addition, CO  was to   In order to achieve a high level of energy
          be measured to ensure high indoor air quality.   efficiency and optimize control of the indoor
          Furthermore, modern  lighting  scenarios, in   climate, a comprehensive individual room control  Die zentrale Aufgabe war die Herstellung einer
          particular Human Centric Lighting (HCL),   system was implemented for all classrooms and  integralen Raumautomation, die verschiedene
          should specifically support pupils’ learning. By   the assembly hall. Temperature, presence, light  Kommunikationsprotokolle der Gewerke in
          dynamically adjusting the light intensity and   color and light intensity can be recorded in real  die Management-Software integriert. Dazu
          color temperature, HCL ensures that the light is   time using the O3 multisensor. An additionally  gehörten  BACnet, SMI für die Steuerung der
          optimally adapted to the respective time of day   integrated  CO   measurement  is  visualized  as  Jalousien, DALI für die Beleuchtung sowie die
          and activity, which promotes the concentration   a CO  traffic light with the integrated LED light  Erfassung von  Präsenz  und  die Messung der
          and well-being of the pupils.     ring of the O3 and suggests the user to open the  Raumtemperatur.  Zusätzlich  sollte  eine  CO -
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