Page 12 - BACnet_Europe-Journal_42
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Solutions  Anwendungen

          W-BACnet: Unlocking Up to 90% Cost Savings

          in Building Renovations

          W-BACnet: Bis zu 90 % Kosteneinsparungen

          bei Gebäuderenovierungen

                                                                               using LumenRadio’s W-BACnet devices.  The
                                                                               results were transformative:
                                                                               1. Cost Savings of 90%: By opting for a
                                                                                 wireless retrofit, the project was completed
                                                                                 at 1/10th of the cost of wiring, without
                                                                                 business downtime,
                                                                               2. Time Efficiency: Manually adjusting all FCUs
                                                                                 took up to two days. The wireless system
                                                                                 allowed for remote adjustments, completely
                                                                                 removing the need for on-site thermostat
                                                                               3. Operational Simplicity: The wireless system
                                                                                 allowed control of all 40 fan coil units from a
                                                                                 single interface, greatly improving
                                                                                 operational efficiency and responsiveness to
                                                                                 temperature adjustments.

                                                                               By forming reliable wireless mesh networks, the
          Luxury Texas resort enhances guest comfort with Wireless HVAC Retrofit.   resort achieved a level of efficiency and cost-
          Luxusresort in Texas verbessert Gästekomfort durch drahtloses HKL-Retrofit.
                                                                               effectiveness that would have been unattainable
                                                                               with traditional wired systems.
          As Europe races toward its ambitious Net-Zero targets under the Energy Performance of
          Buildings Directive (EPBD), wireless technology emerges as a transformative solution. By   A more energy-efficient future
          replacing traditional wiring with innovative wireless systems, building owners can achieve
          up to 90% cost savings on upgrades while enhancing operational efficiency.   As the EPBD drives Europe toward a Net-Zero
          Während Europa unter der Energieeffizienzrichtlinie für Gebäude (EPBD) ehrgeizige Netto-  future, wireless  BACnet is proving to be a
          null-Ziele anstrebt, erweist sich die drahtlose Technologie als transformative Lösung.   cornerstone of cost-effective and sustainable
          Durch den Ersatz herkömmlicher Verkabelung durch innovative drahtlose Systeme können   building upgrades. By delivering up to 90%
          Gebäudeeigentümer bis zu 90 % der Kosten für Upgrades einsparen und gleichzeitig die   cost savings and unparalleled efficiency,
          betriebliche Effizienz steigern.                                     wireless BACnet enable building owners to meet
                                                                               regulatory requirements without compromising
          With the EPBD mandating energy renovations  The potential for savings up to 90% in some  operations or budgets.
          for millions of buildings by 2030 and 2033, the  cases makes wireless  BACnet a compelling
          industry needs to adopt innovative solutions that  option for meeting EPBD requirements.  The success of projects like Lakeway Resort
          minimize costs and maximize energy efficiency.                       and Spa illustrates how wireless  BACnet can
          Wireless technology is proving to be one of the  Case Study: Lakeway Resort and Spa  transform the building sector, paving the way for
          most effective answers, delivering unparalleled                      a greener and more energy-efficient Europe.
          savings and flexibility.          The power of wireless BACnet is evident in the
                                            retrofit  project  at  Lakeway  Resort  and  Spa,  Fact
          Wireless BACnet: A Game-Changer   a luxury property in Texas, USA. Although
                                            outside the EU, its experience demonstrates  W-BACnet from LumenRadio replace the cabling
          Wireless BACnet eliminate the need for complex  how wireless solutions can revolutionize building  with a reliable wireless mesh and acts as a
          and costly hardwiring, which can be especially  management.          proxy for the connected BACnet MS/TP device,
          prohibitive in older buildings requiring extensive                   effectively extending the bus and creating the
          renovations. Wireless allows for seamless  Faced  with  labor-intensive  thermostat  possibility to make legacy products wireless. 
          integration into existing structures, dramatically  adjustments across 40 standalone fan coil units,
          reducing labor, installation costs, and downtime.  the resort transitioned to a wireless solution

          12  BACnet Europe Journal 42 03/25
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