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Anwendungen  Solutions

                                                                      © SAUTER  Die SAUTER Vision Services ermöglichen die zentrale
                                                                               Steuerung und Konfiguration des BACnet/IP- und
                                                                               BACnet/SC-Netzwerks der Gebäudetechnik, bieten
                                                                               gesicherten Zugriff auf Gebäudedaten über die Cloud und
                                                                               unterstützen durch Remote Management die einfache
                                                                               Inbetriebnahme und Feinabstimmung von Anlagen.
                                                                               SAUTER Vision Services allow central control and con-
                                                                               figuration of the BACnet/IP and BACnet/SC network for
                                                                               building technology, provide secure cloud-based access
                                                                               to building data and support easy commissioning and
                                                                               fine-tuning of systems via Remote Management.

          nahme bequem vom Büro oder aus dem Home-  specializes in real estate development. Between  reduces the effort for subsequently fine-tuning
          Office heraus erledigt werden kann. Remote  the buildings, there are green spaces to enjoy  the systems.
          Management stellt Dienstleistungen rund um  and the Wöhrder See lakeside recreation area
          die Gebäudeautomation, Energie Management,  is nearby.               Secure remote system maintenance
          zugehöriger IT-Infrastruktur und Software-Appli-
          kationen jederzeit bereit. Auch erleichtert dieser  The building automation must meet a wide range  In autumn 2023, the first rental units of the
          Service aus der Cloud das Heranziehen von Spe-  of requirements for this state-of-the-art campus  Seetor Offices were completed as part of
          zialisten und reduziert den Aufwand auch bei der  concept. The cloud solution must provide direct  the extensive city-within-a-city project. The
          späteren Feinabstimmung der Anlagen.  access  to  plants  and  services  while  ensuring  solutions from the SAUTER Cloud live up to the
                                            minimal and cost-effective outlay for operation.  customer's requirements in many ways.
          Sichere Anlagenfernwartung        SAUTER Germany was employed to engineer,
                                            install and commission the management system  The operating costs can be planned and billed
          Im Herbst 2023 wurden die ersten Mieteinheiten  for the Seetor Offices – and also to supply its  over monthly or annual periods. Once the initial
          der Seetor Offices als Teil des umfangreichen  own digital solutions.  engineering phase has been completed, only
          Projekts dieser „Stadt in der Stadt“ fertiggestellt.                 recurring subscription fees are incurred. These
          Die Lösungen aus der SAUTER Cloud kommen  BACnet/SC solution         include all expenses for the IT infrastructure,
          den Kundenanforderungen in mehrerer Hinsicht                         computers, hardware upgrades and software
          entgegen.                         SAUTER Vision Services are the central element  such  as  operating  systems,  databases and
                                            of the  BACnet network, which  configures and  the application itself. Updates are available
          Die Betriebskosten sind über monatliche oder  controls communication between all the technical  immediately and automatically.
          jährliche Zeiträume plan- und abrechenbar. Nach  systems. The building manager or operator can
          Abschluss der initialen Projektierungsphase fallen  access the building data at any time via HTTPS in  Remote Management allows external service
          lediglich wiederkehrende Abonnementgebühren  the SAUTER Cloud. BACnet/SC (Secure Connect)  providers as well as building operators and
          an. Darin enthalten sind alle Aufwendungen  ensures that the building network is protected.  facility management to benefit from a full range
          für die IT-Infrastruktur, Rechner, Hardware-  In addition to  BACnet/SC-capable software,  of service options via direct access to systems
          Upgrades und Software wie Betriebssysteme,  SAUTER also offers the new BACnet/SC router  and applications. The resulting rapid response
          Datenbanken  und  die Anwendung  selbst.  (modu630-RT) as hardware for adding encrypted  times and uninterrupted operation benefit the
          Updates stehen unverzüglich und automatisch  communication to existing BACnet installations.  tenants of the Seetor City Campus.   
          zur Verfügung.
                                            The solution is completed by SAUTER Remote
          Mit  Remote  Management  profitieren sowohl  Management, which enables commissioning to
          externe Dienstleister als auch Gebäudebetrieb  be carried out conveniently from the office or from
          und Facility Management von umfassenden  home. Remote Management provides round-the-
          Service-Möglichkeiten durch direkten Zugriff  clock services for building automation, energy
          auf  Anlagen  und  Applikationen.  Die  dadurch  management, the associated IT infrastructure
          gewonnenen minimalen Reaktionszeiten und der  and software applications. This cloud-based
          kontinuierliche Betrieb kommt den Mietern des  service makes it easier to call in specialists and
          Seetor City Campus zugute.    

          The  Seetor  City  Campus  in  Nuremberg  has
          plenty to offer. It has residential space of
          various  types  for  a  wide  range  of  tenants  as   Frank Moschner
          well as a considerable commercial area. The         Product Manager Digital Services
          Seetor Offices provide 25,000 m  of space for       Building & Energy Management SolutionsFr. Sauter AG
          offices, shops and services, and were created
          by Germany's Sontowski & Partner Group, which

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