Page 4 - BACnet_Europe-Journal_42
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BACnet /SC zertifizierte Smart Actuator
Gesamtlösung 3 in 1: Actuator and controller with
Sicher kommunizieren auf IoT integration
Automations- und Management-
Smart energy regulation for state-of-the-art buildings
Complete BACnet/SC
certified solution • Distributed intelligence: decentralised, autonomous control
Secure communication at auto- without a cabinet and automation station
mation and management level • Installation of applications from the SAUTER solution library
for heating, ventilation and room automation
• Easy, cost-reduced fitting thanks to the plug system
Mit der zertifizierten B-AWS OPENweb und dem
OPEN.WRX AS Controller bieten wir eine Gesamt- • Commissioning using the smartphone app
lösung zur durchgängig verschlüsselten Kommu-
nikation per BACnet/SC. Bauen Sie mit DEOS • Remote access to the application and operating settings via
einfach und in Minutenschnelle ein Netzwerk zwi- the SAUTER Cloud
schen BACnet/SC-fähigen Geräten auf.
Mehr erfahren
With the certified B-AWS OPENweb and the
OPEN.WRX AS controller, we offer a complete
solution for end-to-end encrypted communication
via BACnet/SC. Establish a network between
BACnet/SC-capable devices easily and in
Learn more minutes with DEOS.
More information
is available
Entdecken Sie diese und
weitere DEOS Lösungen
auf der Messe ISH!
Come and discover Meet us at
these and other stand C11 in hall 11.1!
Halle/Hall solutions from
11.1 DEOS at the
Stand/Booth ISH trade fair! Systems
D88 Components
Facility Management